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Do you Use Toilet Paper with a Bidet?

It is advisable to still have toilet paper next to your toilet even if you have a bidet. Modern bidets are a great new way to clean after using the toilet, but why might you still need to use toilet paper with a bidet? In this article, We look at why having toilet paper next to the toilet is a good idea even if you have a bidet.

Do you Use Toilet Paper before using a Bidet?

You do not need to use toilet paper before using a bidet. In fact, using toilet paper can actually reduce the effectiveness of using a bidet. However, most people who have switched to using a bidet to clean themselves after using the toilet, find they go through a period of change while adjusting to this new habit in the bathroom. There are a few reasons why you might use toilet paper before using a bidet to clean.

It is a natural human reaction to check that anything that comes out of your body is ok. Colour and poop consistency is one way of checking that all is as it should be. There is also a chance that if you suffer from haemorrhoids or fissures, you may want to check there is no blood on the toilet paper.

These are very important reasons as to why you may want to use toilet paper before using a bidet. However, the whole concept and effectiveness of using a bidet are to avoid smearing waste between the cheeks of your bottom.

The stream of water that bidets produce, is targeted directly at where the poop comes out and will do a perfect job of cleaning you. As you are adjusting to using a bidet, you may be tempted to use toilet paper as soon as you have pooped, but you will soon realize that this causes an unnecessary mess! You will quickly learn that there is little point in using toilet paper to clean before using the bidet. After all, that’s what a bidet is for.

Do you Use Toilet Paper after using a Bidet?

You can use toilet paper after using a bidet to pat the area dry if necessary. As you are adjusting to using a bidet, you may want to check that you are clean once the bidet wash is done. This is quite acceptable, and users often say how nice it is to have completely clean toilet paper without many previous wipings.

Many electronic bidet toilet seats have built-in dryers, to remove excess water after using a bidet to clean yourself. In this case, there is no reason to use toilet paper to dry. Just sit back and enjoy the gentle warm air, finishing the job. Using a few squares of toilet paper after using a bidet with a dryer, can give you peace of mind that everything is ok down there.
