The Issue with Tissue – How to NOT use toilet paper travelling to Greece may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to the user) from Amazon and other online retailers if a purchase is made after clicking a link. I appreciate your continuing support.

Why can’t you flush toilet paper in Greece? You cannot put toilet paper down the toilet in Greece because the sewage pipes are very narrow. The system cannot cope with the bulk of the paper and would simply block up. The rule for using toilet paper in Greece is to fold the paper after use and put the used paper in the bin provided. Although the bins have tight-fitting lids and are emptied daily, binning toilet paper can be a strange concept if you are not used to it. 

If you haven’t been to Greece before, it can be tempting to put the toilet paper down the loo, with the thought of “out of sight out of mind!”. Unfortunately, this could affect the whole apartment block and put your own bathroom out of action for a couple of days. Not what you need when you are on holiday!

What is the alternative to using toilet paper?

There is however a far better, more hygienic way of cleaning yourself after using the toilet. Electric travel bidets are taking the travel world by storm and can be a great alternative to using toilet paper. In fact, more and more people are having permanent bidets installed in their homes and miss the comfortable clean feeling when they go on holiday.

If you are travelling with a companion you don’t know that well, bidets can stop any unnecessary embarrassment of using a bin to get rid of the toilet paper.

If you need to dry after using the bidet, use a few squares of toilet paper to pat the area dry. The paper is clean, just as if you had dried your hands and can be put in the bin provided.

Yacht charters in Greece – How to keep the boat toilets from blocking up

If you are looking forward to chartering a yacht in Greece this year, electric travel bidets can be a very useful addition to your travel kit.

Like Greek sewers, boats have very narrow pipework too. These pipes can block easily if you are not used to using a minimum amount of toilet paper. In fact, most yacht charter companies insist that you use the bin provided when chartering their boats. Yacht toilet compartments are quite limited on space and using a travel bidet can remove any awkwardness when travelling with anyone you don’t know that well.

Blocked marine toilets can be a real nuisance if you are miles from the marina and need to wait for a boat engineer to unblock the loo. Read our post: Bidets for Boaters

Where can you flush toilet paper in Greece?

You cannot flush toilet paper down the toilet in Greece on any of the Greek islands including; Santorini, Rhodes, Zante, Kos, Mykonos and Corfu. Some mainland hotels allow the flushing of toilet paper. However, if you are travelling across Greece the rules can change as you get to more rural areas. Getting into the habit of using a bidet can be a real advantage.
